Home Dating 5 Ways to Ditch A Date ‘Nicely’

5 Ways to Ditch A Date ‘Nicely’

Bad Date
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So you’ve landed yourself a date, you get dressed to the nines and at some point of the night realise your date is a total tool. What do you do? Here’s five ways to ditch that date without coming across as a tool yourself.

  1. Have an exit plan
    Before the date even starts tell your date that you’ve got to pick your brother up from soccer training later than night. Then that way you can say he called/texted you that soccer training finished earlier and you’ve got to go pick him up.
  2. The Fake Call from a friend
    It’s the oldest trick in the book but have your friend call with an emergency. There’s about a 100% chance your date is going to know it’s not really an emergency … but it’s not like you’re going to see them again anyway right?
  3. The Fake Call App
    Thank god for technology!! In case you aren’t able to get a friend to call, there are actually apps out there that can fake call you to bail you out of your awkward situation.

    White Chicks
    Image Credit Twitter
  4. ‘I’m feeling sick ‘ *cough*
    You’re going to have to start your Academy Award performance pretty early to be convincing. As soon as you realise you need to get out of there, mention that you’re stomach hurts. Then work your magic and exaggerate as it ‘worsens’. Next thing you know your Uber will be driving you home to safety.
  5. Be Honest
    This option is for the more daring amongst us… but just tell your date the truth. “It was lovely meeting you but I’ve got to go” #soznotsoz