Following yesterday’s impressive display of support towards Women in light of International Women’s Day, it seems appropriate to delve into a topic that hits close to home for a lot of important women throughout the Music Industry.
The lack of recognition and inclusion of female music groups at Australian music festivals has been a hot topic since Falls Festival Lorne 2017-18, when Camp Cope called out Falls Festival on stage during their set for the utter lack of female artists playing on main stage, and playing at the festival at large. The bands lead vocalist Georgia Maq called out the festivals bad dynamics by changing the lyrics of their controversial song ‘The Opener’ to recite “It’s another man telling us we can’t fill up a tent/it’s another f–ing festival booking only nine women”.

This type of hard hitting and forthright protest is calling out the disconcerting injustices for what they are- big or small. Camp Cope remained confident with their stance on the sexism and bigotry they felt was being displayed and continued to raise awareness throughout each of the Falls shows they played, changing the lyrics, and finished their stint of shows in Fremantle, by wearing shirts reading “The person wearing this shirt stands against sexual assault and demands change”.

Camp Cope was confident their criticisms were heard, Maq stating that “they won’t get away with a lineup like this next year”. The Director and General Manager of boutique booking agency Collective Artists, Rebecca Young told Triple J Hack that “I do think the music industry has a gender problem, but I think that’s changing. I think a lot of people especially in the last twelve months are a lot more conscious that there is gender equality when they’re hiring and when they’re having events and festivals,”.

There is optimism moving forward and has been outstanding displays of support for women within the Industry. The #MeNoMore letter that was signed by hundreds of women within the Australian music industry, shone a light and exposed sexual entitlement, harassment and abuse. The APRA AMCOS, Australia’s music royalty ensured an increase in gender diversity among its members. APRA Music Grants will now need to show at least 40% of female participation and show a commitment to tackling gender imbalances.
Change is coming- Go girls!