The time has arrived, it’s the Queen’s birthday! Okay so it isn’t actually her birthday, but it is a long weekend so literally, who cares? I mean, who isn’t looking for an excuse to have an extra day off? NOBODY! For those of us with uni exams, this means an extra day to study. For the lucky ones with open schedules, you’re in for a treat. Sydney has something to offer everyone this long weekend.

We have a very special edition of Girls this time around, with the addition of some boys to add fun the mix. This face off is happening on Sunday at Plan B small club, but you can get your tickets now. Check it out here.

As per usual for Pacha at the Ivy, they’ve got a huge DJ lined up for the Saturday night of our long weekend. LA based Drezo will be manning the set for this one, and both early bird and 2nd release tickets are already sold out, so you might wanna get on that one quick. Check it out here.

S.A.S.H, usually reserved for Sundays, has teamed up with Mantra Collective for a one-time Sat night event. Taking place at the Arthouse Hotel, this party boasts an audio-visual experience for your Queens Birthday party time. Check it out here.

This one is for the dedicated punters out there, since tickets are $79 + booking fee. Yeah, that’s pretty steep, but Carriageworks is an unbelievable venue, and the vibe at Curve Ball is looking to be incredible. Check it out here.

If you want to get the most time out of your long weekend, this Sunday event goes from 1 pm onwards, with $5 drinks from 1-3 pm. Yeah, that’s right, $5 drinks at the Ivy. Check it out here.

You gotta end the long weekend some how, and S.A.S.H Breakfast is obviously the way to do it. Don’t go to sleep on Sunday, and get to S.A.S.H for Monday morning brekkie. Get your tickets here.
Get dancing.