It’s a topic we don’t really like talking about but unfortunately cheating is a sad reality. For some, there really isn’t much worse, but a Reddit thread points out some other issues that many don’t realise are equally as bad or worse.
Every relationship needs honesty and without it you’re already doomed. Some claim that they hide things ‘for love’ but is it really love if you can’t be upfront with your partner? From smoking to alcohol to just where you are, it is NEVER okay to lie.

False Version of yourself
“I did that all in the beginning, but now I’ve got you” is becoming way too common. It’s important to just be yourself from the get go because if that person really loves you, they will love you for the real you not someone you pretended to be.

The suspicion or even allegation of cheating can actually be worse than cheating. It basically means that the accuser doesn’t have trust in their other half and is a MAJOR concern.

Confiding in Someone Else
You should be able to talk to your partner first about anything bothering you or just on your mind. One male Reddit user, bighert23, said one thing worse than cheating is if she “Confides in another man, that isn’t her father, before she comes to me.”

If your boyfriend or your girlfriend tells you what you can and can’t do, then do yourself a favour and dump them. This is so unhealthy and you deserve way better. You are meant to be each other’s equal and it’s not ‘caring’ or ‘love’, it’s manipulation. It begs to question why they’re so insecure in the first place… are they cheating perhaps?

Lack of Communication
We’ve heard this a thousand times but so many couples lack the ability to communicate with each other. If your partner refuses to talk to you, take that as a sign to GTFO.

Staying in a Relationship out of Convenience
Some people are just so used to being with that person that leaving them seems unimaginable even if things aren’t great. They might even be staying with them because of some materialistic benefit like a planned holiday or possibly not wanting to disappoint their families.
If you are experiencing any of these in your relationship then we hate to be the bearer of bad news but you need to get out ASAP. There’s plenty of fish in the sea and you deserve an Angel Fish not a Cat Fish.