Okay we know, breakups are the absolute worst! It’s easy to feel pretty damn alone when you’ve just lost your other half. Despite that, don’t forget that everyone has been through it, even Beyonce! So here are 10 relatable processes that everyone experiences when they’ve just undergone heartbreak.
Calling your best friend, immediately.
This is always the first thing people do when they’ve been hurt. They call up their best friend to tell them the news and vent their hearts out. It’s a good way to get the support you need, and your friends will be incredibly important to you throughout this hard time.

Eating. Lots of eating.
There’s a certain amount of gross everyone experiences when they’ve just been dumped, and it mostly involves food mixed with the salt of your tears.

Anger at happy couples/romance movies/puppies.
Sometimes, nothing will be able to cheer you up; even the happiest, corniest romance movie. Cute puppy videos aren’t going to cut the mustard either, so don’t even try. Hitting things (pillows, preferably) usually does the trick!

Mild alcoholic tendencies.
Don’t fall into the infamous trap. It starts off with one glass and before you know it, you’re six in and trying to dance with a cardboard cutout of Ryan Gosling. Try to avoid this one, but if you can’t, don’t fret – you’ll get over it. Also, give your phone to someone else. NO DRUNK TEXTING THE EX.

Becoming a shut in.
I’m very guilty of this one, I like to lock myself in my room with lots of snacks (unhealthy, preferably) and pretend nothing has happened, my life isn’t changing, STOP TELLING ME TO GET OVER IT.

Getting hot out of spite.
Ha! I know what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna get out there, get really fit, lose tonnes of weight and get mega hot so they’ll miss me! Yeah, probably not. Firstly, you’re perfect anyway. Secondly, this probably won’t last more than a few days. Carrots aren’t yummy, stop trying to convince yourself they’re a better snack than chocolate.

Stalking them on social media.
Don’t lie, we literally all do this. I still sometimes check up on people I dated when I was 12, I just gotta keep tabs on all my ex’s! It’s pretty easy to get obsessive at this point, so sometimes it’s necessary to unfollow/delete them on everything. Cleanse yourself.

Swearing off love, forever.
It’s really appealing, right? If you’re never in love again, you can never get hurt. HA! Take that romance, I’ve outwitted you again! Seriously though, one bad relationship does not mean you’re unloveable, it just means it wasn’t right.

Refusing to listen to advice.
There’s gonna be a lot of people trying to comfort you, telling you what they think you need to hear, but you won’t want to listen. I know it’s hard, but other people’s insights will help more than you want to admit.

Learning to love yourself, just as you are.
It might seem like you’ll never get to this point, but you will. It’s hard to see past the hurt, I know, but there is an end to it. You’re amazing, and the only person that needs to love you unconditionally is you.