Home Dating Disney Characters You Will Date In Your Lifetime

Disney Characters You Will Date In Your Lifetime

Beauty and The Beast
Image Credit Disney

Partners come and go but you’ll never forget what really annoyed you about them. Here’s some of the typical annoying exes you may have dated in the form of Disney characters.

Pinocchio – The compulsive liar.

Kuzco – The one that loves themselves more than they love you.

Malina and Kuzco
Image Credit Disney

Elsa – The one that bottles up what’s bothering them before letting go.

Peter Pan – The immature one that just won’t grow up.

Ursula – The controlling partner that steals your voice and makes your decisions for you.

John Smith – The rest of your family hate them because they don’t fit in.

Genie – grants all your wishes but really just want their freedom back.

Image Credit Disney

Beast – The partner that hates leaving the house.

Evil Queen – The very naggy and insecure partner that’s always asking it there is someone else.