It’s officially the era of reboots but we couldn’t possibly be angry when one of those reboots is the fantastic animated series The Magic School Bus. The fantastic series was both educational and entertaining, mostly due to the incredible Miss Frizzle. We all wished she was our teacher, with her eccentric style and undeterred enthusiasm for learning.
In the reboot, the fabulous Frizz will be voiced by the hilarious Ghostbusters star and comedian, Kate McKinnon. The reboot series was already sounding rock solid (who wasn’t hooked from the word go?) but now it’s guaranteed to be a hit. Taking her lead from the Emmy award winning Lily Tomlin, McKinnon will be playing Miss Fiona Frizzle, the original Miss Frizzle’s sister.

The original animated series is currently on Netflix for those that want to refresh their memories before the new series drops. The new series is apparently going to feature updates to the bus and to Miss Frizzle, as well as CGI technology to add realism.
There are rumoured to be a lot of stars returning from the original series, so it should be a wild ride on the magic school bus! We really hope Miss Frizzle’s lizard makes the cut.