With all the buzz surrounding the epic new film Wonder Woman, you’ll be shocked that you’ve never heard about this amazing connection between the new film and one of your childhood favourites.
Are you ready to find out the connection between the newly-released film and my all-time favourite Disney classic, The Little Mermaid?

Wonder Woman hit the cinemas in Australia on the 1st of June, and if you haven’t seen it already, you’re definitely missing out.
The screenwriter for the film Wonder Woman, Allan Heinberg, has explained to Entertainment Weekly how the Disney classic The Little Mermaid had inspired his vision for the superhero film.

“The story as I see it is The Little Mermaid, specifically Disney’s incarnation,” Heinberg said.
“This is a woman who has been raised in a very protective, sheltered life, she’s curious about what life is like outside, and she wants to have her own experience. She wants to be where the people are.”

While that sounds a little shaky, we’ve got very convincing proof that Wonder Woman is based on the classic Disney film. You can see the how the films are alike in the side-by-side comparison below.

As you can see, there are some startling similarities between the two characters, not to mention the camera angles! This is certainly no coincidence.
Of course, the beautiful Gal Gadot who starred as the character of Wonder Woman, doesn’t have the luscious red hair or mermaid tail. However, she seems directly inspired by the curious Disney princess.
If you want to see what Wonder Woman would look like with red hair, look no further than the hilarious cartoon below. I’m confident you will laugh as much as I did.