So is it true that Jesy from pop sensation Little Mix is leaving the band? If so, there will definitely be tears from a lot of fans.
The drama first started when she did a sole interview at Now! Magazine saying she was getting “too old” for the band and she was pleased when she could take a break with her fiancé and travel to remote areas.

She confirmed she was going nowhere when the group talked to Capital FM after the Summertime Ball they performed at. “I feel as if that got blown out of context. We just had a break and all I wanted was to go somewhere no one would find me, so me and Jake found a random little place and got a boat and did lots of hiking and stuff.”
Poor Jesy has just not caught a break from the tour with being injured on three separate occasions during the 60-day Get Weird tour. On March 16, she tore a ligament in her wrist and then broke her ankle in May. Then she came down with a mysterious illness in the same month, forcing the band to postpone the two Ireland shows.
We do have some good news though! Today is Jesy’s 25th birthday and we hope she has a lovely day (hip hip hooray).