So you’ve been hanging out for a few months now with a potential flame, going on some cute frates (friend dates) and generally being cute. But you don’t know if they are as keen on you as you are on them. How do you know when the time is to take the plunge and ask someone out? Here’s a checklist of questions to ask yourself beforehand.
1. How comfortable are you with the person?

2. How do you feel with them? Do you feel like your friendship has built up to the crescendo, where you’re both in sync with one another?
3. Has it been a relationship that hasn’t been just physical? Have they made some sly move on you and you’ve hooked up with them? Does your relationship only seem to be based on them seeing how far they can go with you? If they seem a bit handsy and aren’t really interested in getting to know you, that’s a problem.

4. Do you feel at ease? Would you feel proud to introduce them to your family? Have you met their friends and feel you know their character enough?
5. Do you feel like you can be your daggy self? Do you always feel you have to have a face full of makeup or have you had days where you’ve just worn your sneakers, a baggy jumper and been your baben’ makeup free self?

If the answers to all of these questions are positive, then go for it!