Not physically seeing an ex can make someone get over them as they literally become non-existent. With social media at the tip of everyone’s fingers, avoiding exes gets a little more complicated. Facebook is aiming to comfort broken hearts in trialling a new relationship status tool that will block pictures of former partners.

Break ups will be easier to deal with as exes disappear from view without being unfriended. When people change their Facebook relationship status to no longer together, the user will be prompted to try the new tools. It will allow the ‘newly single’ to limit the photos, videos or status updates that they see of their ex. Facebook is helping to reduce the heartache by never having to scroll past an exes name gain.
With technology constantly evolving it was only a matter of time until it was needed to also digitally distance one’s self from an ex. These tools have fired up a bit of controversy particularly for those that like to keep an eye on (stalk) their exes.
Will Facebook’s new tools heal or hurt hearts?