I honestly feel like we’re never going to be hearing the end of Justin Bieber’s ridiculous escapades. Last week he decided to fight a dude twice his size (and quickly got slammed to the floor) and this week he fell straight through a trap door on stage, potentially to hell itself.
Some reports claim that Satan has decided to reclaim his wonder child, but others tell us that he simply misstepped and tripped. Either way, he took one hell of a fall, and it looks pretty damn painful. Luckily he got straight up, before announcing that it scared the fuck out of him.
Us too man, us too.
We do have some respect for him though, remember that time back when he was baby faced Biebs and he took a hell of a fall on stage, broke his foot, and then continued to perform?
We miss 2009 Biebs.
He also wiped out earlier this year while performing ‘Sorry’, courtesy of the over the top water features on stage.
At this point, we have to wonder who’s choreographing Bieber’s moves, and if he ever rehearses.