It was a rollercoaster of emotions for viewers and their feelings toward Vanessa Sunshine. First, they hated her. Then they hated her more. Then they started to realise she was kind of the best. Then she became their idol.
However, Vanessa did not experience this same rollercoaster of emotions. She had one emotion the whole time and it was uninterested. But, what is so wrong with being uninterested?
Last night, after she did not receive a rose on the group date, Vanessa Sunshine took to her Instagram to stand up for herself and her apparent “resting bitch face”.
Vanessa Sunshine uploaded a three-part video to her personal Instagram, providing insight to her overall demeanor on The Bachelor. By the end, the video had us all saying: she’s right.
Her overall point was this: She was not into Nick, but why does she have to be? Just because he was The Bachelor does not mean she has to automatically be in love with him. She took the time to get to know him, but ultimately wanted to stay true to herself.
Vanessa Sunshine’s feelings prove a downfall in the shows “reality” factor. In the real world, the chances of all 25 girls being in love with him are very, very low. If I met 25 guys in one night and they all fell in love with me, I would be confused. I mean, I would be happy, but confused. I would start to believe I had a fairy godmother out there casting love spells on me.
However, every girl on the show seems to act like they are magically in love with Nick after only two weeks of knowing him. Not to say that it’s wrong, but if that is normal, than it should be normal for at least one girl to feel differently.

So, Channel Ten casting department, lets learn from Vanessa Sunshine. We need more girls like her on the show. But also, let’s all learn from Vanessa Sunshine. Channel her confidence and never change who you are, especially for a guy. In the words of Sunshine herself: never put someone on a pedestal who hasn’t earned the right to be there.
Viewers of The Bachelor should not be too devastated to see Vanessa Sunshine go as she has already expressed interest in being the new Bachelorette. It might be the first season we see twelve guys eliminated on night one. I’d tune in for that.