Over the weekend pop princess Katy Perry staged a four day long promotional stunt/campaign of her new album, Witness.
Unlike the usual radio interviews or instant album drops (thanks Beyonce), Katy took a whole new route to promote her new music. The pop star was locked up in a house Big Brother style, while all eyes on her streaming live on Youtube. FOR FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT.
To keep herself busy, Katy did lots of activities and spilled on her deepest darkest secrets (despite having cut off most of her hair).

Katy filled her time on screen with interviews, a cook-off with Gordon Ramsay, meditation, a fabulous party with her famous gal pals, and even a therapy session – all of which were broadcast for the world to see!
Every waking (and sleeping) moment was filmed and cameras continued to roll leading up to a free concert for 1,000 of her fans to hear her latest hits.
Don’t have 96 hours to watch every minute of the live fiasco? No problem! Here is a countdown of the top ten moments that happened during Katy Perry: Witness World Wide.

1. Katy calls for feud to Swiftly end
Our fave moment was Katy publicly pleading with Taylor Swift to end their long feud. The famous fight began when Taylor hired Katy Perry’s dancers for a tour and Katy hired back before the tour started.
This was revealed in a 2014 Rolling Stone interview with Taylor, who said: “She basically tried to sabotage an entire arena tour. She tried to hire a bunch of people out from under me. And I’m surprisingly non-confrontational – you would not believe how much I hate conflict. So now I have to avoid her.” Meanwhile Katy dig the knife deeper by posting this cryptic message warning fans:

During her touching confession, Katy admitted: “I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her. I think it’s time.”
Katy even sprinkled in some Disney to sweeten the deal breaking out in a rendition of ‘Let It Go’, the hit song from Frozen.

2. Katy cries in live therapy session

Katy was committed to baring every part of her soul, including a personal therapy session with Dr. Siri Sam Nat Singh, which revealed a lot of pain and anguish that comes with being famous. Katy cried as she lamented: “I want to be Kathryn Hudson again!”
In the session, Dr Singh discovered that “Katy Perry” was a fantasy that Kathryn created at age 11 to escape her strict childhood, and then manifested her into a worldwide superstar. Both Dr Singh and Katy agreed that the pop star needs to come back to reality.

3. Katy ranks her previous lovers
Katy had lots of friendly visitors (famous of course) popping by the house, including James Corden, who visited the singing sensation for a saucy interview. James played his famous game ‘Spill Ya Guts or Fill Ya Guts‘. Faced with eating pickled pigs’ feet, beef tongue, and bird saliva, Perry had to reveal her deepest secrets.
“From best to worst in bed,” Corden asked of Katy’s former lovers. “Rank John Mayer, D.J. Diplo, and Orlando Bloom.”
Perry refused at first but finally conceded. The ranking order according to Ms. Perry: Diplo in third, closely followed by Bloom. Mayer took out the top spot. But Katy defended her men, saying: “They were ALL fantastic lovers! And I would gladly have sex with all of them if I ever get out of this house!”
Deciding to eat your words instead isn’t part of the game, Katy.

4. Katy revealed ‘The One that Got Away’
In 2010’s hit album Teenage Dream, Katy released a song called ‘One That got Away’ in which she was pining for a love lost. Who exactly was that? Katy finally gave up the 7-year-old mystery, stating that the one that got away was…drum roll…singer Josh Groban!
Apparently, Katy and Josh dated before they hit it big and parted ways. Still, the mystery remains… What were their matching tattoos? Does Katy still have the proof?

5. Bon Appetit remix feat. Gordon Ramsay
Katy invited celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay into the house to cook (what else?). The two end up cooking the same dish—zucchini noodles with meatballs—side-by-side, separated by a divider. They can’t see each other, so Perry can only follow along with Ramsay’s spoken instructions.
“This is great,” Perry initially says of the divider she can “actually, truly be a great witness.”
Nice quick album promo KP!
6. Short hair, I care
Katy entered the year 2017 with a new look and told Witness World Wide viewers her thoughts about the chop. She believed that getting the short/shaved haircut would bring her close to being Kathryn Hudson again, and allow her to shed her pin-up Katy Perry image.
“I so badly want to be Kathryn Hudson that I don’t even want to look like Katy Perry anymore sometimes, and that is a little bit of why I cut my hair.”

7. “I’m sorry Britney”
Speaking of hair, Katy put her foot in her mouth earlier this year by blurting out to a reporter at the Grammy Awards: “I haven’t shaved my hair yet!” to defend her mental state.
During her time in the Witness World Wide house, Katy sincerely apologised to Britney stating: “Mental illness shouldn’t be taken lightly”.
She wished the ‘Work Bitch’ singer well.

8. RuPaul comes over
Just because you’re being watched for 72 hours straight, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have some girly time! Transgender superstar RuPaul came to play with Katy, and the two shared some tea.
The pair chatted about the traits of their mutual star sign, Scorpio, and Ru gave Katy some judging tips for when she goes on American Idol later this year.

9. Left Shark wake up call
Who could forget Katy Perry’s 2015 Super Bowl performance that involved an uncoordinated shark? In case you need a little “splash-back” to refresh your memory, look to the left!

The playful shark came back to give Katy an early wake up call. Katy was more than happy to see her former dancing companion, and gave him a pat to say “good morning”.

10. Roses and Thorns Dinner Party with silly Sia

Katy had a famous dinner party aptly themed “Roses and Thorns” to represent the sweet and sour sides of life. The star-studded guest list included burlesque performer Dita Von Teese, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins, actress Anna Kendrick, and the unrecognisable Sia.
Yes. That person in the glasses/nose disguise is Australian singer Sia.

After other guests introduced themselves, Sia announced to the group: “Hi I’m Sia, I’m an alcoholic.”
As one of Katy’s friends shared to the table: “I’m really excited to get to know you all better”, Sia didn’t hold back, retorting: “superficially, because we’re all being filmed. Thank goodness that she hiding her looks, but not her dry Aussie humour.
Now that the small reality series has officially ended (time’s up already), The Katy Perry: Witness World Wide offered a glimpse into the wonderful weird world of Katy perry…or should we say Kathryn Hudson.