Dan Stevens is the man who has the magical role of the Beast in the reboot of Beauty and the Beast. However, the former Downton Abbey star has revealed just how physically demanding the role was. Stevens revealed in an interview with RadioTimes how demanding the role is below:
“I was losing so much fluid from sweating, I was honestly eating four roast dinners every day, just to keep any form of physicality,” Stevens said.
Jesus. Poor guy. Four roast dinners a day? That’s inhumane. They were putting him through the wringer. Doesn’t help that under that Beast costume that he was in stilts for 12 hours a day minimum.
“It was a pretty athletic job for me, I was physically conditioning my legs to be on stilts for 12 hours a day and also conditioning the rest of me so that I didn’t waste away,” the actor said.

Despite all the rigours of being The Beast, Dan was super excited to be on the set of the Disney classic. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see too much through his Beast suit, but it was quite a technically accomplished suit. The suit even contained a Formula 1 racing style vest to keep Dan cool under the collar.
San confided to USA Today that he was nervous that everyone would be know his sweaty secret.
“Everything else looked gorgeous and beautiful. Emma Watson, her dress – beautiful. The sets were incredible. And there’s me, just sweating away through the set, ‘This is going to look different, right? This is going to be OK?'”
Poor guy. Luckily, it looks like the film is going to be amazeballs. Beauty and the Beast is set to be released on the 23rd of March and we couldn’t be more excited about it. When we’re watching it, we’ll be thinking of Dan and his stilts…and imagining his sweaty abs 🤤🤤