So you’ve finished exams, HOORAY!~ Now it’s a Monday (or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday) and you’re sitting at home with no plans for your life and feeling weirdly lost. We’ve got your back with the best places to go get messy during the week.
Monday – Scubar

Monday nights at Scubar involve crab racing, $10 all you can eat pizza and lots of foreigners. It seems to be a tourist hot spot, but not really for the old creepy guys on their mid-life crisis travel tour, more for the young people who can’t really afford the fancy places.
Tuesday – Um….
Sorry, nothing actually happens in Sydney on Tuesdays. Head up to Melbourne if you’re looking for a solid Tuesday night.
Wednesday – The Wall, El Topo Basement

You have two solid options for Wednesday nights, with World Bar and their famous teapots with free entry before 10 pm (with your name on the guest list) and El Topo giving you free entry all night long. Both places are pretty strict on drunkness, especially since World Bar is in the Cross, so be careful on that end. As long as you’re not stumbling, slurring or yelling you should be sweet.
Thursday – Ivy

If you were to suggest going to the Ivy on a Saturday night, you’d probs get a solid flogging from your mates. Who the fuck can afford to go to the Ivy on a Saturday?! Well, you’re in luck, because Thursday nights are student nights which means, you guessed it, free entry! They also happen to have a happy hour going way up until 11 pm, so that’s $5 drinks till hella late.
Friday – anywhere!
Friday nights are pretty solid anywhere you go, since it’s the lead up to the weekend, and most people have a long week to work off. Ideally, Chinese Laundry, El Topo Basement (yes, again), Home Nightclub and Scary Canary have some of the best Friday night dance fests.