Home Dating How to: establish healthy boundaries in a relationship

How to: establish healthy boundaries in a relationship

It’s a given that boundaries are essential in any relationship. Some people can handle being surrounded by people all the time and don’t need much time to themselves to recharge their batteries. Others enjoy quiet nights aloneĀ curled up with their favourite book.

So what happens if you’re yin and yang in a relationship? What happens if you’re the homebody and they’re the life of a party? How can you complement each other without clashing? We’ve got a few tips to help you keep the balance.

1. Be honest and upfront with each other.
If you feel uncomfortable going clubbing and being told to wear something as suggested by your significant other, they should understand if you don’t want to wear it. If they continue to pressure you, speak up because that is seriously wrong. If you want your alone time, just tell your partner.


2. Allocate “me” time and “us” time.
Plan special things to do, especially if you’re both busy caught up in two separate worlds at work. TheĀ more quality time you have together will build the relationship between you and mean that you’re more comfortable spending time apart.

3. Don’t use social media to contact each other all the time.
Sure, a text here and there is fine, but pick up the phone and call if you have something to say. Don’t be like a woodpecker constantly pecking at your partner. They deserve a little space too.

4. Remember you need to be just you and not you and your partner.
Go to events on your own and spend some time apart. Plan girly nights. Don’t lose yourself in a relationship that you neglect those that have been there for you all along.