Home Life 10 Cool Facts About Being Left Handed

10 Cool Facts About Being Left Handed

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If you’ve grown up a lefty, you’ve probably been told everything in the book about what it means spiritually, psychologically and biologically. Being stared at in school became your norm and being forced to attempt to write with your right hand like a circus freak became a part of your everyday life. Whether you’re a lefty or not, here are 10 facts about the uniqueness of being one!

1. Left handed folk make up only 12% percent of the population! 

Shocked Face
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2. They’re better at multitasking. 

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3. It’s common in twins. 

Twin Babies
Image Credit: babiesmagz

On average, 22% of twins are born left-handed when compared to single babies.

4. They are more likely to have a higher IQ!

Parks and Rec
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A study at St. Lawrence University found that there are more left handed people with an IQ over 140 than right handed people. But before you doubt the legitimacy on that one, remember, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were lefties, just sayin.

5. The devil was believed to be left handed. 

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Historically and religiously, it was believed that the Devil was left handed and therefore automatically meant that you were evil or practised impure beliefs. It also meant that you were dirty and harboured evil spirits within you.

6. August 13th is Left Handers Day!

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The day was marked in order to celebrate lefties and the common hardships they encountered that right handed people didn’t.

7. Lefty’s are more creative. 

Theatre Art
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Although this fact is pretty well known, lefties are also believed to be more creative in Visual and Theatre Arts.

8. Left handed people have a shorter life span. 

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While scientists are still on the fence about this one, numerous researches believe it to be true. The myth follows: left handed people are believed to die nine years earlier than a right handed person. We’ll let you be the judge of that one.

9. They’re awesome at sports. 

Sport Dog
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Some of the sports lefties are said to excel at include tennis, boxing and basketball.

10. One of their nicknames are ‘Southpaw’. 

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This nickname originated in baseball because of the stance of the player. If the player faced West, with his back to East, it meant that his right hand would go North and his left, South. This nickname has now ventured onto other sports like boxing, where it is typically unexpected for a boxer to comfortably use his left hand as his dominant hand, giving him the advantage.