Home Life Feel the Bern or maybe the world will burn?

Feel the Bern or maybe the world will burn?

Image Credit CJ Hanevy Shutterstock

Bernie Sanders is a nominee for the democratic party of America and a presidential candidate. He also happens to be the best thing to happen to politics since like ever. This dude walks his talk and talks his walk. An OG socialist in the best sense of the word, a civil rights activist who walked alongside Martin Luther King, a self-proclaimed feminist and someone who isn’t in politics to help out corporations but people.

The people fund Bernie Sanders’s election campaign, this occurs through crowd funding efforts. He will be the people’s president if elected. This is the first time I don’t feel pissed to think about an old white guy gaining power because this cool cat understands his white privilege and wants to do everything he can to make equality a reality. It is astonishing that at the same time we have someone as progressive as Bernie Sanders we also have someone as downright upside down twisted backwards sideways all together f%$ked up as Donald Trump. This joke runner, who is now in with a chance, which is just scary as all hell is a billionaire (that is disputed just ask John Oliver) turned presidential candidate simply in it for the power and has no interest in world affairs or justice. Kind of symbolic really, it is basically Bernie wins and the world has hope, Donald wins and well I shudder at the thought. Hillary wins and everything basically stays the same, she placates the people and gives the corporations what they want and we continue slowly heading towards our own destruction rather then catapulting to it like we would with Mr Trump and his ridiculous wig in horse pee orange, on that note I wonder if he uses “sun in” for that urine glow it is very reminiscent of the sun in strewn locks circa 2007.

Bernie is the light in the darkness when it comes to the ruler of the super state. We can only hope that enough of those US citizens vote for the Bern and save us all from the certain death that will come if Donald Trump, ISIS, Kim Jong-un and whoever Australia’s latest unelected prime minister is, is left to decide the fate of the world.