Now that it’s Summer it’s even more important to take care of your skin. Here’s 7 beauty no no’s that you should stay away from to be smoother, healthier and feel fresh.
1Popping pimples

Krakatoa is ready to erupt on your forehead so you can’t help but pop it yourself! Bad idea… popping pimples spreads the infection causing more pimples and scars.
2Licking lips

You think you’re making them moist but really it makes them even more dry so use a lip balm instead.
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3Sleeping in your makeup

It’s one of the biggest mistakes! You’re skin is unable to breathe and the makeup blocks pores which may lead to breakouts.
4Cleansing Face with Hot Water

Use lukewarm or tepid water to avoid broken capillaries on your face.
5Over-tweezing brows

It doesn’t matter who you are, it’s just not a good look and it actually makes your face look heavier and wider.