For the first time in a long time, Miley Cyrus is not making front cover news for a crazy music video or drug-related behaviour. Instead, the pop star has shocked us all by celebrating New Years with her ex-fiancé Liam Hemsworth in Australia. The pair spent the past few days with his family in Byron Bay and were seen kissing and cuddling at the Falls Music Festival on Sunday night.

Onlookers claim the couple were very affectionate although were unable to take any photos due to the high security. They partied with the Hemsworth brothers, Chris and Luke and their wives Elsa and Samantha.
Some photos have been uploaded on Instagram proving they were together over the weekend as they were snapped in a car park and in a café.

The singer and actor met on the set of The Last Song in 2010 became engaged in June 2012 but called off their engagement in September 2013.
Could their on again off again relationship be back on?