A man, whom I would dearly like to befriend, has beaten the world record for binge-watching TV, clocking in a massive 94 hours in front of the screen. That’s three whole days and a further 19 hours.
25-year-old Alejandro “AJ” Fragoso from Brooklyn broke the record in an event sponsored by multimedia software company Cyberlink to promote its content system. The company set up a special viewing apartment for the three contestants who started the marathon.

Only Fragoso was left standing (or rather, sitting), crediting his Mediterranean diet and frequent stretches for his success. He spent the time watching Game of Thrones, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Galactica, Twilight Zone, Bob’s Burgers and Adventure Time, an even spread of genres.
The previous record was 92 hours, set earlier this year in March by five Austrians at an LG Electronics Austria event.
After his incredible effort of staying awake for so long, Fragoso was reported to be suffering neurological side effects, such as hallucinations and involuntary micro-naps, as well as an elevated heart rate. So maybe don’t try this at home, kids.