Last night’s episode of The Bachelor proved that if the producers did not have Cass, they honestly would not know what to do with themselves. She is running the show at the moment. However, last night, there were a few other girls auditioning for the role of “leading lady.”
An underdog frontrunner came through in the form of a Russian gymnast. Thanks to Dasha, we have never seen Nick be so flustered. Dasha might be the only girl on the show that is perhaps too mature for him but, surprisingly, he seems ready to take on the role of stepfather (she has a five-year-old son, FYI). Ultimately, their date helped us see that The Honey Badger can dig a little deeper passed his witty one-liners.

Next, we vote on “Who’s kiss was cringier?” Was it Romy’s or was it Cat’s? While at least Cat did not chew off Nick’s ear, his obvious attempts to avoid what he knew she was plotting was one of the most painful things aired on television in a while.

Now, let’s circle back to Cass. At this point, we get it, she loves him. Honestly, the only drinking game you need for this show now is “drink every time Cass’s face appears on the screen.” Just a heads up, attempt this game and you probably won’t be making it into work the next morning.

And of course, we must acknowledge the whole “I can’t believe I shaved my legs for this” ordeal at the rose ceremony so- Congratulations, Steph. You are now a walking meme, which I am pretty sure is the only thing you wanted anyway.

For more Cat and Romy vs. Cass vs. Blair vs. Shannon, tune in next Wednesday 7:30 pm on Channel Ten.