So we all want to be healthy but a lot of us use the excuse that we are too poor to do it. Well, time to bin that excuse because your body is a fucking temple so treat yo meal times as worship like the glowy trim zen biatch you have always wanted to morph into.

Vegetables are life. I mean literally they are basically what give you life. So allocate some funds for your veggies. Frozen veggies are your friends they are snap frozen which makes them at times fresher than what is in the produce aisle anyone remember the woollies and coles scandal when that shit was sitting in boxes for 8 weeks before making it to the shelves? Just ew. Focus on getting fresh greens and starchy vegetables and get frozen veg for stir-fry’s, soups, pasta etc.
Legumes love you so why not love em back? Hit up the dried legumes to get more beans for your buck. Split peas, black beans, lentils and navy beans are all versatile AF and provide that protein and fibre kick in a neat little package. If you just CBF with dried because your too lazy to soak and boil then fill up the trolly with the cans and act like you are shopping for the apocalypse.

You need a good source of fats to keep you satiated sooo hit up the nut aisle like once a month and buy a big bag to last you a month. Alternatively, get on the chia seed train or the flaxseed one. Or go for a hummus or my all time ultimate favourite that I can’t live without AVOCADOS because they are basically some godly shit in a food.
So um yeah I am a cereal and bread addict and I am not ashamed to admit it. It is a life goal of mine to have a shelf dedicated to cereals just like Jerry in Seinfeld. So load up on oats, processed bran, brown rice, brown rice noodles, wholemeal pasta and a good quality dark rye sourdough because wholegrains are full of fibre and ready to give you the energy you need to power through the day.

So fruit is tasty as all hell and it better feature in your weekly meals if you want to be a happy human. Getting that glucose to your brain and keeping you sane. Go for what is in season aka what is cheapest in the produce aisle so something like oranges or bananas then go to the dried fruit section and pick up some dates because when you are trying to cut the processed sugar dates are a super sweet way to help you through because you can add them to anything either whole, chopped or blended. Then head over to the frozen section and get yo self a bag o berries because berries are like totes full of antioxidants and shiz that keep you looking fresh, also frozen mango blended is life so get on that too.

Okay lets not all pretend that we are super humans who can eat like a punnet of berries and hash tag dessert, I mean great if that is you but it is just not me. So go get yourself a treat. I go for a good quality dark chocolate because that is what I like but you do you.
1 Family sized pack of spinach (put that shit with everything)
1 packet of baby cos (good for salads or use as a vessel for other food)
1 kg sweet potatoes
5 bananas
2 Avocados
1 block of Dark Chocolate
1 packet of oats- you will only buy this once a fortnight
1 packet of processed bran- you will only buy this once a fortnight
1 Litre Plant Milk- I like Soy or Coconut
1 kg Brown Rice- you will only buy this once a month
1 packet brown rice noodle
1 packet wholemeal pasta- you will only buy this twice a month
1 packet of dried red lentils
3 cans diced tomato
1 can of chickpeas
1 jar of tahini- you will only buy this once a month
1 packet of chia seeds- you will only buy this once a month
1 packet walnuts- you will only buy this once a month
1 packet dates- you will only buy this once a month
1 box cocoa- you will only buy this once every three months
1 1kg packet frozen vegetables
1 packet frozen stir fry vegetables
1 packet frozen berries
1 packet frozen mango
1 bottle lemon juice- you will only buy this once a month
1 bottle mustard- you will only buy this once every two months
1 bottle sriracha- you will only buy this once every two months
1 bottle or curry powder- you will only buy this once every two months
1 packet dried onion- you will only buy this once every two months
1 packet dried garlic- you will only buy this once every two months
1 bottle of turmeric- you will only buy this twice a year
1 packet of nutritional yeast- you will only buy once every two months
If you divide it all up per week once initially purchased then it ends up around $60 a week, obviously the first time round it will be more, but that is because you are stocking up your cupboard.
If you have all this food and you want some ideas of what to do with it here are some blogs that will help you out.