Everyone’s favourite Australian ice cream is getting a major re-vamp, thanks to the incredibly exciting news that a pop up coming to Sydney and Melbourne. The store, which hits the cities next week, is called the Golden Gaytime ‘Crumb Shed‘.
The pop up stores will feature a range of five bulked up Gaytime flavours, some of which seem like they’re on serious steroids (*cough Choc Millionaire cough*). The fantastic five are:
Unicorn breath – classic Gaytime vanilla crumb, musk sticks, strawberry hard candy, popping candy, and edible glitter.

Crumb Choc Millionaire – chocolate crumb, smashed potato crisps, desiccated coconut, 100s & 1000s, and edible glitter (I’m sensing a theme?).

Chocopalooza – chocolate crumb, lolly bananas, and 100s & 1000s.

Golden Chief’s Salty Gaytime – classic vanilla crumb, pretzel bits, and salted caramel drizzle (This one was created by Gaytime ‘Crumbassador’ and ‘Golden Chief’ Jesse James McElroy).

The OG-G – this is the classic Gaytime that we all know and love, but with even more vanilla crumb. It’s described as “the original and the best handcrafted to perfection”.

If you can’t get enough of that crumby goodness, you can take home a tub of crumbs that so delightfully coat our favourite treat and DIY your own Gaytime. Sprinkle it on your ice cream, your cereal, your lover, or whatever needs a little crumbing.
The ‘Crumb Shed’ will be at Sydney’s Topshop Topman store in the CBD from January 18 and Melbourne’s Topshop Topman store in the CBD from January 20. So get in quick because the stores are only popping up for a limited time and you don’t want to miss out on a gay time!