In case you hadn’t already tuned in, Kanye West delivered his annual twitter rampage last night in true Kanye style. After his year long hiatus from sharing his deepest thoughts on his twitter account, Yeezy bounced back on April 14th to give us all an exclusive insight to his musings.
The first tweets started off with a confusing ode to Khloe Kardashian’s ex hubby Lamar Odom, straight after the cheating rumours arose about her baby daddy, Tristan Thompson.
Yeezy got real philosophical real quick, writing about capitalism, creativity, fashion, ideas as a form of currency (just your usual Thursday thoughts).

But last night things got… deep. Kanye posted a cluster of observations and insights before announcing he was actually working on a book, written in real-time! (Unsure if he has grasped the concept of what a book actually is, but let’s go with it anyway). Kanye put a devoted effort into his workings, starting his tweet rampage at 8:03 and not finishing up until 5:12pm!! Check out some of Yeezy’s tweets below:

I know that was probably a lot to digest. I’m not sure how you may be feeling after being doused in Yeezy wisdom, but I’m feeling truly blessed.