All you people out there craving some hardcore 90s nostalgia, prepare to have your mind blown!
It’s been 22 years since Alanis Morissette’s breakout album Jagged Little Pill came out and the whole world was rocking out in front of the mirror, hairbrushes in hand, screaming the words to THE break up anthem “Oughta Know”…or was that just me?

Now the album is back in our lives in the form of a…MUSICAL?!
It’s confirmed that Alanis has teamed up with indie director Diablo Cody (who provided the smash hit movies Juno, Jennifer’s Body, and Young Adult) and Tony award-winning director Diane Paulus to turn her album into a musical theatre gold.
Alanis explained in a statement that the show is about “a modern and multi-generational family and their complex dynamics, touching on issues of gender identity and race.”
She also confirmed that the extremely talented trio were getting along just swimmingly.
“The chemistry between all of us is crackling and I feel honoured to be diving into these songs again, surrounded by all of this searing talent. Diablo and Diane are already taking these deeply personal songs that are part of my soul’s marrow to a whole other level of hope, freedom, and complexity.”
And in even better news, all the hit singles from the album, like ‘Ironic’, ‘You Oughta Know’, and ‘Hand In My Pocket’ are definitely going to be in the repertoire. Just imagine it; the long dramatic high notes, melodramatic acting, and flawless dance performances hitting the stage to one of Rolling Stone magazine’s Top 100 albums of the 90s.

“I look forward to taking the heart of Jagged Little Pill and expanding its story, fleshing it out to even deeper layers of emotionality, specificity, humanity, power, physicality, spirit and fabulism,” Morissette said.
The musical masterpiece will be hitting Broadway in May 2018, and it looks like it’ll be a crazy ride either way…or maybe a free one when you’ve already paid?