Last year we watched as Pennywise, the murderous supernatural entity that manifests itself in the form of a creepy Clown, terrorised seven children in the small fictional town of Derry, Maine.
The first film in this franchise, ‘It,’ covered the events of the first half of Stephen King’s massive 1000 page novel by the same name. The seven children; Bill, Richie, Beverly, Eddie, Stanley, Ben and Mike, are a group of social misfits who band together to form ‘The Losers’ Club’ and fight off Pennywise. At the end of the film, though it appears as though Pennywise has been defeated, the children make a blood oath to return to their hometown and kill the creature should he ever reappear.
‘It: Chapter Two’ takes place 27 years later with The Losers’ Club assembling once more as adults to uphold their vow.
The adult actors joining their younger counterparts could not have been more perfectly cast.
James McAvoy will be playing Bill, Bill Hader as Richie, Jessica Chastain as Beverly, James Ransone as Eddie, Andy Bean as Stanley, Jay Ryan as Ben and Isaiah Mustafa as Mike, with Bill Skarsgard reprising his role as Pennywise.
The Losers’ Club, young and adult versions:







Stars of the sequel, James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain, took to Instagram and revealed some behind-the-scenes photos of the cast, Chastain marking the beginning of production with her caption “DAY 1.”
Director Andres Muschietti will be returning for the sequel. The film is set to premiere on September 6, 2019.

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