According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the United States, “Some 60% of people with a mental illness won’t seek treatment” (SMH, 2016).
Singer Demi Lovato is using her fame for good as she bares her mental health struggles to the public. After being diagnosed in 2010 with bipolar disorder, Lovato has turned her life around and wants to share how she battled her demons in a “wellness workshop.”
Lovato held her first wellness clinic in the Budweiser Brew House at Verizon Center in Washington, along with Nick and Joe Jonas. Fans were told to turn of mobile phone devices and just unwind and reflect on the universal struggles we all face.
Lovato is also the figure head of the Be Vocal: Speak Up for Mental Health initiative, encouraging others to speak up for mental health. “Sunovion Pharmeuticals and Lovato are joined by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, The JED Foundation, Mental Health America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the National Council for Behavioural Health” (Business Wire, 2016).

Lovato believed coach Mike Bayer saved her life. He has a Southern California based treatment center and offers mental and behavioural health services and seeks to develop life tools. Bayer says, “I’ve always believed mental health should be mainstream – like overall, everyone struggles so why are things put in boxes?” (SMH, 2016). Just like going to the gym releases feel good endorphins, nourishing your mental health is a necessary component to living life to the full.
Here’s hoping Demi’s honesty causes others to follow suit and address their mental health struggles. Even when life goes off course and self doubt cripples you, it’s never too late to change it around.
If you know someone that is suffering with mental health issues, head to Lifeline or Beyond Blue to get professional help.