Home News Top 10 tweets about the US election

Top 10 tweets about the US election

Image Credit: CBC

They say laughter is the best kind of medicine and after last night’s election results, we’re gonna need a triple dosage. In case you have just woken up from an intense coma and haven’t heard, Donald Trump has officially been elected as the 45th president of the United States. Amongst all the outrage and darkness, a small glimmer of light has made the situation somewhat bearable and that is tweets responding to the 2016 election. We’ve selected our top 10 hilarious tweets to help you get through this fake-tan infested day.

1. Bruh. 

2. Get it Queen. 

3. We get that. 

4. We think ‘Ew’ would work better. 

5. Oh, if only. 

6. There’s always a silver lining. 

7. When you gotta double check that bae’s got your back. 

8. The shade of it all. 

9. Hold up. 

10. *Sips tea*.