Home News Trump celebrates Cinco de Mayo, is still racist.

Trump celebrates Cinco de Mayo, is still racist.

Image: Reuters/Dominick Reuter

Listen, the entirety of Trump’s presidential campaign is based on him being a xenophobic racist who wants to build a literal wall to keep the Mexicans out. Somehow, that hasn’t prevented him from becoming the only running presidential candidate, with every single one of his opponents dropping out (WTF?!). It comes as no surprise that his Facebook post celebrating the Mexican holiday is just fundamentally racist, again.

Sorry Trump, but taco bowls ≠ Mexican heritage, and we really don’t believe you when you say you love Hispanics. It’s a nice try and all, but shallow as ever. Also, that smile is creeping us out so bad, please stop.

To make things at least a million times worse (and creepier), someone noticed that Trump is in fact eating this terrible looking taco bowl on top of a photo of his ex-wife in a bikini. What.

Lord help the US and their government.