He once inspired several amputees and was the first of his kind to compete in the 2012 Olympics. But now the Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius will always be remembered for the fatal bullet he shot at his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

February 14th 2013 marked the tragic death where the fatal bullet ended Steenkamp’s life at their home in Pretoria. She was just 29 at the time. Pistorius has always claimed that he believed an intruder entered his home and he shot in an act of self defence.

It will never be known whether Pistorius had underlying mental health issues that played a part in the death of Reeva. Judge Masipa in 2014 convicted Pistorius of culpable homicide, defined legally of manslaughter.
At just under 5 foot tall without his prosthetic legs, 29 year old Pistorius was a shell of his old self in court standing on his stumps. He was born without a fibula in either of his legs and had to be amputated below the knee before he turned one.
Pistorius has now left the world of athletics and wants to run away as far as possible. The victims father Barry Steenkamp a diabetic said Pistorius had plunged insulin syringe into his stomach and arms to feel the pain Reeva felt.
Only time will tell what happens with this devastating death. You can watch the video of Pistorius walking without his prosthetic legs.