Sarah Milosevic was 39 weeks pregnant when Rodney Shaw who was drunk, on drugs and speeding crashed into her car instantly killing her baby. The idiot driver copped nothing but a $950 fine and a five-month driving suspension. Sarah and her husband Peter were just days away from celebrating the birth of their daughter who was taken away from them.

A Current Affair questioned Shaw on the incident saying he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn’t need to apologise to the Milosevics. He even said “They didn’t apologise to me, I nearly died.”
Now they are speaking out and saying the punishment is just not good enough. They would like for a new law to be introduced that recognises babies past 30 weeks gestation as human beings capable of being harmed or killed.
The online petition for ‘Sophie’s Law’ has received nearly 60,000 signatories.