Online shopping. Everyone loves to do it – but you here are some tips from the pros on how to get the most out of your retail therapy.
Create a vision for yourself. Pinterest is the perfect place to pin all of the latest celebrity-inspired looks or street-style inspirations. Use the board to move around and compare styles to complete outfits.
The heart says yes… but the bank says no
Shopping does not have to hurt your wallet (too much) if you do it the right way. The first and most important step is to set a limit of how much you are willing to spend. Then, one of the luxuries of online shopping is being able to compare prices at the fingertips. Don’t always buy off the first website, there’s many others our there!
Exchange and Shipping Rates
When buying from UK and US websites always look for the option to change it to $AUD. This will save you from a lot of disappointment when your items are converted to a much higher price at the checkout. Shipping costs can be very expensive on some websites too so always check first. If it’s a flat rate ask some friends if they might want to buy a few things so you can split the shipping costs.

Be Careful
Handing over credit card and personal details can be risky business so always read the privacy policy. A little research and reviews on the seller can also reassure whether they’re the right business to be handing over your money to.