There are a series of steps that avid Instagram users must take into consideration prior to posting the perfect image. We have outlined some of them for you.
Taking The Perfect Pic
You are partaking some activity or another and everybody knows it didn’t happen unless it’s on social media. It’s all about the casual, yet strategic snap. The ‘candid’ capturing of a moment that lets everyone else know just how great you and your friends are. The more snaps the better, you are sure to snag a quality pic if you have 1000 to choose from – the odds are in your favour.

In the past it was simple: one size one shape – the new and improved Instagram however is making this time-consuming activity even more of a conundrum. Square or Rectangle…Horizontal or vertical… SQUARE OR RECTANGLE?

‘Clarendon‘ makes your eyes pop but your tan look non-existent, ‘Slumber’ appears too edited and ‘Juno‘ too sharp – god forbid you resort back to the out-dated likes of ‘X-PRO II’ or ‘Valencia’. Hot Tip: The act of choosing your filter should transpire under the guidance of a close friend – if no companion is available, reconsider posting.

Goodbye VSCO, hello new insta-features. Now you can play with the brightness, contrast, structure, shadows and sharpness until you look your most perfect self. WARNING: This is a black hole of alterations; if you are not careful you will be lost in the abyss of the minute changes.

A picture is worth 1000 words but you are still expected to write that pesky caption – Do you go with an anecdote, quote, pun, inside joke or the ever-ambiguous ‘no caption’ option?

To hash tag or not to hash tag that is the question.
How many is too many?
One of the less obvious considerations facing the average gramer.. The ever-illusive ‘optimal time’. You have a quality snap but its only 11am do you post it now or wait for Peak hour insta-traffic? What if your friend posts a similar pic before you?

REMINDER: for best results discard all evidence of the original image after posting on Instagram.