It’s Friday night and you’re ready for a big night out. You’re dressed to the nines, hair did, nails did and eyebrows so on fleek you put Cara Delevingne to shame. You get the ‘I’m on my way’ text from your bestie and after one last look in the mirror you look down to realise you haven’t shaved your legs. There’s no chance you’ll be going out looking like hairy maclary and there’s definitely no time to wax. You could quickly shave but your hairs are going to grow back thicker… right??? We’ve grown up with so many beauty dos and don’ts that it’s become so hard to know what we can and can’t to. It’s about time we gave you the truth behind some of these very common myths.
Let your wound breathe

TRUE! You should definitely let that wound breathe, it will help the wound heal faster and also prevent scarring. Next time you accidentally cut your leg with your razor, give it some time to air if possible. Pop a band-aid on if you need to but don’t leave it on for too long.
Once the powder shatters – it’s done for!

FALSE! You can definitely still use that stuff you paid a fortune for! Put a little rubbing alcohol into the pan and wait till everything becomes absorbed. Press down and wait till everything is set. Yay!
Toothpaste shrinks pimples

TRUE! It feels like this would be too easy? It’s common knowledge to use toothpaste to keep our teeth white and clean, but if it works for having a flawless face then why not give this method a go? However, technically it is probably best to just leave any pimples alone and cleanse your face regularly.
Eating too many sweets will create havoc

TRUE! Everyone’s skin is different so it’s important to understand how your skin will react to various foods. If you are really concerned with your skin, maybe try a healthy routine by exercising or even cleaning your skin routinely. Sticking to a healthy diet is always ideal but it’s okay to have a cheat day.
Shaving makes hair grow back thicker

FALSE! The ongoing feud about whether waxing or shaving is better will probably never be put to rest. Razors get such a bad rep, all they want to do is make your skin smooth and fresh. What you are feeling when you feel that prickly sensation is the hair beginning to grow back thicker as razors only cut the hair straight across which is why stubble feels stiffer.