Pippa Middleton and James Matthews have announced they’re getting hitched. Pippa rose to prominence when her sister Kate Middleton married Prince William. Despite the beautiful royal wedding and the happy couple, a large amount of chatter from the Royal Wedding focused on Pippa’s great butt.

Kate and William seem to have handled that well enough – after all, it was probably a nice break from being in the spotlight.

Back to little sister: Pippa and her longtime boyfriend James Matthews have set the date for their impending wedding and it is soon!
They’ve chosen the 20th of May, which is merely over a month away. The wedding will be held at the St Mark’s Church in Englefield, a beautiful old church that was Middleton’s local church where she grew up. How cute!
Naturally, the royal families are at the top of the list, with the guest list including her sister and her husband (aka the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge) as well as Prince Harry, with whom Middleton is quite close. Apparently they go WAY back, after striking up a close friendship.
If you were wondering what role her beloved niece and nephew were going to play in the wedding, you needn’t stress. According to a ‘source’, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are going to be a ring bearer and a flower girl respectively. Hopefully George doesn’t throw the ring like he did to this poor bilby.

Naturally, there are rumours as to who will be Pippa’s maid of honour. Some people think it’ll be the Duchess of Cambridge, but she has apparently said that she “doesn’t want to steal her sister’s thunder”, which is very nice of her. I don’t think anyone should be upstaged on their wedding day, that’s the one day that’s entirely about the bride, no matter what the groom might think.
The couple have known each other for ten years, but have been dating seriously for the past two years. I’m assuming they already know who hogs the bed covers and who never cleans the toothpaste off the sink. Y’know, serious couple things.
Mark your calendars for May 20th, people, there’s gonna be a white (almost royal) wedding