Reality star, radio host and queen of our hearts, Sam Frost has revealed the anxiety she felt before undergoing surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells. Thankfully she had the support of her boyfriend Sasha Mielczarek who was her chosen prince on the 2013 season of The Bachelorette.

After having a pap smear that revealed high levels of abnormality, she got a biopsy which removed the harmful tissue. It’s an awkward topic but Sam wasn’t afraid to announce her surgery on her show Rove & Sam on 2dayfm; and give a public service announcement to ladies and their partners to tell their girlfriends to get checked out.
If pap smears end up being sinister, it can turn into cervical cancer, which is a lot more common than you might think. Some “900 women in Australia will be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year” (Daily Mail UK, 2016).
Sam told listeners, “If you don’t catch it then obviously it advances into more scarier things. But if you get it at this stage, easy-peasy, no dramas, (it’s) a nice, simple procedure. So, ladies, please call your GP, get it out of the way and just know that S Fro’s on your side” (Daily Mail UK, 2016).
Co-host Rove was sure to send his well wishes to Sam, saying, “I wish you and your vagina all the very best!” (Daily Mail UK, 2016). Rove told the listeners reassuringly, adding, “You’re okay. No need for anyone to be panicking or anything like that” (Daily Mail UK, 2016).