Professional network LinkedIn has released its list of the Australia’s 10 most overused buzzwords, with “passionate” once again topping the list.
Which made us think about what other job clichés have had the ring around but have failed us completely.
- Stop working on your résumé.
Say what!? Back in the day, your resume was the cornerstone of successful job hunting, now days, with networking sites like LinkedIn, it’s much less concerning for employers. You should update your resume if you’ve accomplished something huge, but nowadays it’s better to focus on your LinkedIn profile, employees like looking at a clear and concise profile where they can see all the facts, your accomplishments and industry involvement.
2. Don’t talk about yourself.
When networking with potential employers or colleagues, rather than going on a long winded story about how you did this and that and this, be inquisitive. Learn about others; their desires, needs and interests and from there, suggest a book, film, event or website. It can be much more effective to provide information about other peoples needs and interests, and you’ll be well-remembered as that person who suggested something useful.
3. Take Breaks.
When you’re unemployed, your loved ones might feel the need to constantly remind you that looking for a job is your full time job, or you might even sear that into your brain for yourself. Even though it’s important to stay in the game, keeping your spirits up when you’ve been to your fifth unsuccessful interview can be painstakingly difficult, so even just one day off from job hunting can be helpful in restoring your energy and motivational levels.
4. Don’t use these over-used buzzwords.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of over using zealous words like “driven” or “motivated” in your interview or résumé, but ultimately, those words are meaningless and cheesy clichés if you can’t show or prove that you’re motivated. Here are the top 10 buzzwords (to avoid) in Australia for 2016:
1. Passionate
2. Motivated
3. Leadership
4. Extensive experience
5. Strategic
6. Creative
7. Driven
8. Successful
9. Track record
10. Dedicated